Lab Services 

Gutwell is proud to partner with Labcorp America to offer affordable, cash-pay, and wholesale lab services.

  • Omega Index $80

    Omega 3 and Omega 6 are essential fatty acids found in the blood. An Omega Index tests the good fats in your red-blood cells and is used to assess risk of heart disease. Symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings, depression, and poor circulation.

  • Vitamin D $60

    Vitamin D is an important vitamin for a myriad of essential body functions. Vitamin D is used for building and maintaining healthy bones and has profound impacts on mood. Vitamin D deficiency includes loss of bone density, frequent infection, fatigue, depression, and slow healing.

  • Basic Nutrients $80

    The basic nutrients panel measures B12, B9 (Folate), Vitamin D, and Ferritin (measures amount of iron stored in the body). This panel is ideal for anyone looking to follow their basic nutrient needs

  • Basic Plus Nutrients $150

    The Basic Plus nutrients panel is one of Dr. Mitchell’s favorite nutrient panels. This panel includes all of the tests in the Basic Nutrients Panel and includes a highly sensitive CRP (inflammatory marker) and Omega Index. This panel should be done yearly and more frequently if abnormalities are present.

  • Candida Antibodies Panel $160

    The Candida Antibodies panel tests for the presence of IgG, IgA, and IgM antibodies. These antibodies can indicate that the body has been fighting a yeast infection. Dr. Mitchell may order this test when managing difficult GI symptoms including SIBO and chronic fatigue.

  • Celiac Panel $150

    The celiac panel includes a comprehensive evaluation of celiac antibodies including deamidated gliadin antibodies, endomysial antibodies, tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies, and total IgA. When these panels are positive, this can be suggestive of celiac disease. This panel does not diagnose gluten sensitivity.

  • You Pick Two Panel $60/Test

    This panel gives you the freedom to follow up on labs in a more personalized way.

    Choose 2 or more from the following list:

    B-12, Ferritin, Omega Panel, CRP(cardiac), Vitamin D, Diabetes Panel (HgA1C/insulin/glucose)

  • Iron Panel $80

    This test measures serum iron, TIBC, ferritin (iron stores), and CBC which test for anemia. Abnormal iron panels can be seen in GI condition such as SIBO, leaky gut, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

We are a proud partner of Labcorp. Labcorp is one of the largest clinical laboratory networks in world. Labcorp is renowned for their adherence to FDA guidelines and providing the highest level of lab services. As a Labcorp facility, we are able to provide in-house lab draws. We can also send your lab work to a Labcorp nearest you for convenience.