Cardiovascular Testing
Gutwell Medical is passionate about whole-body health, so we proudly offer cash-pay cardiovascular screenings.
These tests provide important insights into your health and can act as preventative measures before a serious event occurs. Our cardiovascular screenings are open to the public and typically occur monthly on Fridays or Saturdays. A registered sonographer administers the painless tests, and results are interpreted by a physician.
Next Screening Day: Friday March 28th!
Testing Options
Limited Carotid Ultrasound w/ CIMT
This test predicts vascular age and stroke/heart attack risk. Using an ultrasound probe, the sonographer will examine your carotid arteries in your neck. A carotid ultrasound evaluates the blood flow in the neck, and the CIMT test measures the actual degree of inflammation and plaque that exists in the lining of the artery.
This test looks at the structure and function of the heart. An echocardiogram uses sound waves to show blood flow through the heart and heart valves. This can also be called a heart ultrasound or a heart sonogram. It can be used to detect enlarged ventricles, weakened heart muscles, heart defects, and blood clots/tumors.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screen
Also known as an “AAA”, an abdominal aortic aneurysm screen tests for swelling in the aorta and also ultrasounds your abdomen. The aorta is the main blood vessel that runs from your heart. This test is especially important for males aged 65-75, smokers, high blood pressure and/or cholesterol, or family history of aneurysms.
Ankle - Brachial Indice
An ankle-brachial index detects peripheral narrowing of arteries in the extremities (arms an. legs). Also known as an “ABI”, this test checks for peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Risk factors for PAD include age, postmenopausal state, family history, history of tobacco use, diabetes, high blood pressure and/or cholesterol.